Thanks so much for these beautiful odes to window seats! I am 100% a window seat person. I also take photos out the window to make art in my art journal. One of my favorites is fields with center pivot irrigation circles 😁

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That was such a beautiful read - the illustrations perfectly in tune with the words.

I'm not sure what seat I prefer anymore as I am tired of planes, crowds and travel and having found our quiet (mostly) niche on a tiny piece of the Australian coast, my perspective comes from tides and seasons, from the growing intellect of my little grandson, of the way my son has approached an horrendous medical diagnosis and grown with it to become the man he is today. And from my husband, whose quiet surefootedness leads us as no one else could.

It's enough...

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My favorite Dandelion Seeds post so far! What an achievement since each one of these is a gentle balm to my soul.

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You inspired me again, Candace; but your lessons learned stretch the exercise even further. This is such a simply presented gem. A wondrous piece of work. Bravo!

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Wow, so lovely and today I really needed the last part on stepping back and getting perspective. On planes I am definitely an aisle sort of person, where comfort is key, and in life a focus on the day to day is where I am most comfortable. But recently some health issues have made that sharp focus uncomfortable, and this essay and beautiful illustrations were a necessary reminder to take more of a birdseye view of my life, with the mountains not something to trudge up, but a mysterious vista to delight my eye and imagination. So thanks.

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I love all you publish but this is my favourite by far, which I didn’t know I could like your work more than I already do! I love the drawings of photos, they give such life to the moment. All the musings are so beautiful, I enjoyed them all.💚

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For the first time in decades, I took a window seat on the way to see you!

I'm an aisle girl. Need more room to stretch my long legs.

BUT, this trip I was on the front row, which meant I had extra leg room, so I took a window seat.

You are right.

It was a whole different flight.

I had easy access to the incredible view outside of my window.

I boarded the plane feeling very disconnected from my current vocation.

But somehow the view from my window...the fluffy clouds, the mysterious darkness (flew overnight), the bursting sunrise, and the descent through the clouds, brought a vibrant shift in focus.

As you say, "I felt reconnected" in a beautiful, whole way.

As always, thank you for helping us see the world from renewed perspectives.

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Love both your writing and the drawings Candace.. I just discovered your Stack and I love it. Just gorgeous. I was once a window seat person but, as I aged, I changed into an aisle seat person, mostly because, as one ages, physical comfort becomes paramount. But you brought about some of my favourite recollections, such as when I saw the west coast of Canada for the first time, from the window of the airplane, and how magnificent the scenery was (I now live on Vancouver Island). Thanks for sharing.

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This is so beautiful and so unique, I’m in love ❤️

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Oh I loved that! I don't often open up and read new substack. I find it hard on my eyes to read things on the phone, but I was intrigued by the promise of hand written and illustrated. And what a treat that was, just lovely, absolutely lovely.

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This is amazing I loved all of it! I’m so sad when I can’t get a window seat, a window seat is the best part of traveling…sometimes I have been upgraded to first class as an airline courtesy but on the aisle seat and I can tell you the upgrade can’t make up for the lack of window…that’s how valuable it is to me…my photos follow the same order as yours and I won’t let anybody tell me to close the window shade at any time during the flight ✈️ [there is no credible explanation for any alledged rule mandating it] because on the way to Europe you can miss the most surreal sunsets and sunrises…or a stunning view of the Alps… I can feel the misery of peoples’ lives when they sit in the window seat and keep it close from take off 🛫 to landing 🛬 window a glimpse to the unbelievable beauty of life outside…thanks for this piece of art!

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This was such a beautiful read! Your words with the images that make it come to life made me take a much needed pause from my own work and life to see it with new hope. Thank you for sharing your incredible words! ♥️

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I loved this, Candace. So beautifully expressed and drawn. And so many memories stirred up inside me of journeys taken around the world. Thank you!

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Love this so much Candace. Great to revisit it ❤️ I'm stepping onto a longhaul flight in 2 weeks time, though I'm an aisle girl all the way - I need to move and stretch and feel free. But great to catch a vicarious glimpse of life from the window seat 😊🙃

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I found out a number of years ago that I am not a traveler. Thank you taking me on your journey.

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I’m an aisle person only because of my dumb bladder. I used to be able to do the window seat. I got a chance to have a row to myself this weekend coming back from family funerals in LA. I was treated to a descent into my beautiful green part of the world with a barely there rainbow leading me home. 🌈

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