I felt every word you wrote. How our seasons can change from winter to summer in a few hours of seats in the upright and locked position travel, and how we can go from the warmth of family and friends to the cold solitude of a strange new place.

Move after move, from country to country, we disposed of almost everything with each uprooting, except for a couple of U-Haul boxes of necessities. Adventures in Moving, those boxes promised. It felt liberating to leave it all behind.

All except the books. They are the red winter berries that stayed on my leafless branches. They are my minds conversations, learning moments, travel companions, souvenirs, consolation, and the tangible remnants of my inner life.

The books remain.

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Thank you. I needed to hear this right now, as literal and metaphorical winter deepens in America. I can be like a garden in winter, strong and beautiful, and I can be the buds that help spring come again.

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You can! And so can I. We have returned to Michigan, our home state. We are experiencing true winter after years and of living in deserts. I have missed the snow.

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Enjoy the snow and the cold! I live in southwestern Colorado, in the high desert (5,800 feet elevation), where we have blue skies and sunshine, and sometimes snow and zero degrees F. :)

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Snowdrops, a personal favorite.

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Just as beautiful and true on the second reading.

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Wow Candace, what a beautiful piece about a garden in winter! You make a wonderful comparison between your move between countries and the seasons.

I also agree that a truly good garden is beautiful in the summer as well as the winter.

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I so enjoyed your piece about the garden in winter. I live in the south west of the UK & try to go out into my small garden most days to see what is happening. Yes when you look, it seems 'asleep' but there is still lots going on. Thank you for sending me these peaceful thoughts

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From this gardener to you—you brought such joy on a snowy day.

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I absolutely loved this, so beautifully articulated...I could so relate to it as a mum of an almost two year toddler, as I try to adapt and figure out what awaits me next.

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I really like this story, especially now with the vast changes we're all expecting. But who knows? Anyway, laying bare the basis for our lives reveals so many surprises about things we've taken for granted. And with times, the leaves reappear on stronger branches.

Question: You used the word "asado" in the context of some sort of party. Is it much like what Americans would call a bar-be-cue?

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How lovely, I felt you in every word - delicious! Thank you xx

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How lovely, it took my breath away!

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