Jun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

What a caring woman to take your hand and walk with you down the stairs. Were your hands warmer from then on? I wonder if the sutras were healing prayers Thy Name is my Healing, O My God...) And I loved the last line: Open your heart to the world and it cracks right open in return. Lovely, Candace. Thank you.

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I’m so glad the warmth and care of Mrs. Kawashima came through for you in this chapter, Sue. I’ve walked three pilgrimages now in different parts of the world, and it was amazing to see how someone always appeared to walk next to me right when I needed it the most. I love getting to share the stories of those encounters, so it’s wonderful to hear you’re enjoying this series too 🤍✨

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Jun 5Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

How beautiful to read about your experiences, Candace 🙏❤ I suddenly had flashbacks of a visit to a buddhist temple in Nepal.. The same feeling of synchronicity with the Universe, as things just clicked to fulfil my hearts desires at that moment. The temple door locked and then just as we turned to leave in disappointment, a gong sounds, the temple door opens, and we get to sit in on a beautifu,l profound prayer service with bells and chants. And then walking down steps, we come across a little tea cafe and drink butter tea while shooing away flies! Forgotten memories, but you just helped me remember. 🥰🙏

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Grace! I’m so moved by your memory from the temple in Nepal — by the gong and bells, by the butter tea you sipped afterwards, and perhaps most of all by how the door to the temple opened itself to you at just the right time…what a powerful metaphor. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, I’m so glad this story could help take you back to that sacred moment 🤍✨

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Jun 5Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

Candace, So lovely! And the fact that you write things down, in an effort to not lose them later, resonates. I can't tell you how often I feel inspired by something, but don't have time in that moment to write it down and when I come back to it later, I can't even recall why it was so important to me! Ugh. Good wisdom - about keeping notes. And it is why I have notebooks in all my bags and, worst case scenario, on my phone. Thanks for sharing! XO

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Danielle, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and share your thoughts — I loved your comment, and yes! While I’ve loved sharing about my time walking the pilgrimage, the real story I’m hoping to tell through this series is about the power of our notebooks — so I’m so glad this chapter resonated with you (and I love that you have a notebook in every bag 😍📚✨). Thank you again, and I can’t wait to share the final installment with you next week!

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Jun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

This is perfect...

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Thank you so much, Prue 🤍

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Jun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

Fortune smiles.

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Jun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

So sweet to follow your unfolding day like this.

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Your kind words mean so much, Kris! I’m so glad you’re enjoying this series 🤍

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Jun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon

What a beautiful memory.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed reading this, Carri 🤍

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Lingering longer, I love this. I’ve been finding myself doing this in my own life, and it’s a beautiful thing. 🤍

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I’m so glad to hear that, Kaitlyn — it can be so hard to give ourselves permission to linger (whether it be in a physical place or perhaps on a creative project), but when we do, that extra bit of time often brings so many gifts 🤍✨

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So lovely

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Thank you, Karen! ✨

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Thank you, Meg! 🙏

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so very beautiful...the last brought tears to my eyes.

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Thank you, Louisa! I’m so glad this chapter, and especially my encounter with Mrs. Kawashima, resonated with you 🤍🤍

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Thank God she was there with and for you. This Momma prayed that peppered along your path would be caregivers, sages, guardian angels...perhaps she was a guardian angel. Please keep giving us these profound thoughts from your journeys. They are deepening my well about the greatness of humanity...we need this right now.

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Mrs. Kawashima appears to transmit serenity and peace. She's one of those people you meet only once in your life but you remember forever.

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the way you keep notes is so beautiful - the all caps, the crossed-out lines replaced with keener descriptions, the paper crane you eyed ahead, the hunger for the tea (and the thought the crackers might be early dinner) - it's all so wonderfully transportive. i, too, loved that you received a warm hand to guide you. it reminded me of a solo travel i took to Nigeria where, despite going in to "give," my hands were truthfully rarely, rarely ever empty. <3

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RemovedJun 4Liked by Candace Rose Rardon
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Thank you, Abigail! That means so much to hear 🤍

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