Really enjoyed reading this Candace!

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Perfect little moments. That's what it's all about. Nice to see there's a rioplatense influence here. A big hello from the other side of the river!

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Ah, you've captured Autumn in a (literal) nutshell 🤎🧡

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"...the amber magic of words." A hundred times yes to this. How I've yearned to store up all these moments in my heart, to remember them in detail, when the days are long gone. How blessed we are that words written down, even in brief, help preserve these precious memories.<3

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I've been watching gray squirrels collect acorns in Northern Michigan. It's that time of year. Thanks, Candace.

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So, so lovely. Thank you, Candace.

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Loved this one, I felt like I was there with you 🌰

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A perfect reminder of how perfect a little bit of wild saved can be. And nothing makes me love being a grandma more than when Robby holds my hand as we walk through the farmers' market.

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What a beautiful beginning to my morning. Early fall here in San Francisco is filled with golden light and butterflies flittering past the rosemary bush, still dotted with tiny blue flowers. Capturing those moments is golden.

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Thank you so much, Candace, for your beautiful words and paintings. What you offer here is important, a few moments to be reminded of goodness and beauty. There is so much of both in the world.

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What a lovely story! I felt like I was in the park with you :)

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Love this! When we lived in England we would collect conkers (seeds of horse chestnut trees) walking home from school. We collected 1000! And the kids made piles all over the house! We used them for math lessons too! You have such a gorgeous family!

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I look forward to your essays. This was beautiful.

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Once discovered parks as this in Minsk, Kiev-I feel as though I journeyed there once more. Love your amber words, nuts, squirrels, time together with Elena. Thank you for the beauty and peaceful time.

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